Examine the application of social media to support learning

In my showcase, take bilibili as an example, bloggers can upload videos based on their experience. These videos include not only academic videos also daily life videos. No matter what the audience is interested in, they can find it. In the major project, our group (learning pod 10) introduced RED in detail. The difference between bilibili and RED is that bilibili is a video-based media platform and RED is more of a photo and text-based media platform. Both social media provide convenience for learners. Learners can make full use of fragmented time to absorb knowledge. The frequently searched content will be recorded by the meta data, so the homepage will often push the content of interest to searchers.

Explain personalized learning and its relation to learning theory

Personalized learning is the selection of learning styles that are more conducive to development based on individual characteristics or strengths. In WEEK #8 WOW and WONDER, the development of emerging technologies advances PLN. Online instruction is gradually spreading to learners. Some children are good at math and some are good at music. Neither of these children will get the best education for them if they are taught in the same way. In Jingjing Jiang’s #4 WOW AND WONDER, it was mentioned that she did not receive attention from the teacher in her class. There are many people in a class, so it is hard for the teacher to pay attention to everyone. After students complete their basic education at school, personalized learning allows for a more targeted learning plan for students.

Recognize that the Internet is not a neutral or equal space for everyone

I don’t think there is absolute equality in life. Family factors, life environment and educational background all influence the choices we make. This is also true in the online world. The internet is still new to most people. While most people are just getting started with the Internet, there are people who are already using it to spread the word about things that are good for them. Bloggers, for example, post interesting content to attract more people to watch and follow them. However, there are some people who use the Internet to steal. In WEEK #4 WOW and WONDER, I gave an example from personal experience when my credit card was stolen. The loss was recovered by promptly contacting bank staff. In the online world, it is much easier for people to connect with each other regardless of how far away they are. At the same time, I think the online world is the same as the real world. We should actively explore the online world after enhancing the confidentiality of our information.

Apply social media to develop a personal learning network in support of your personal and/or professional development

In the course, we mostly use WordPress to publish content. Through Github, we can enjoy the ideas of other students. By comparing, I can observe the same ideas I have with others. I can also expand my thinking or deepen my knowledge of the idea when I see new ideas. On other social media platforms, such as RED mentioned in Major Project, I have shared a post about skincare content that has been viewed by 22,085 people and 19 comments. These comments ranged from questions about the content I posted to people who recommended more suitable products. By analyzing the comments, I have a better sense of what type of skin pays more attention to the content I post. If I want to be a worker in the skincare business, knowing where the market is going and what customers are looking for will help me understand where the market is going.

Identify privacy issues and practice online behaviours that are legal, safe, consensual, and ethical

When we allow an algorithm to run, it should be set to protect user privacy while running. When a user transmits personal information over the network, the algorithm should protect this information from being stolen by unscrupulous people. In Week #7 WoW and Wonder, Frankie uses glasses that have a surveillance system to help her improve her grades. Everything she sees is recorded and used as a question about things she encounters in her life. It makes learning more come to life. However, I found out the disadvantages of the glasses. The high level of surveillance takes away Frankie’s freedom. Assuming that Frankie and her friends are not breaking the law, the real-time uploading surveillance system makes it possible for Frankie’s life to be exposed. Most social media platforms, such as RED, ask users before they use them if they will allow the platform to record and upload. As more and more people join the network, it will become more detailed and personalized.

Recognize data ownership and licensing (Creative Commons, Copyright, Fair Dealing, and Public Domain) as a core practice when creating, sharing, or using resources online

RED is a social media platform. Everyone can post their insights on it. When different ideas come together, users will generate new ideas or insights. For example, education resources, which are different from region to region due to different educational resources, are taught to students differently. When the Internet is widely used in each region, educational resources are shared with each other on online media. Students can supplement themselves with online educational resources. Some designers or creators will post their own blogs to attract more followers. Creators will contact the platform when they discover their intellectual property has been stolen. Once it is confirmed that the content is indeed stolen, the platform will immediately block the content posted by the person who stole it. If the pirate is found to have repeatedly stolen other people’s content, the platform will block the pirate’s account forever. Since the power of individuals is limited, the protection of intellectual property rights should rely more on platform supervision. We should provide a good creative environment for creators so that more diverse cultural output can appear.

Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about social media and personalized learning

In this course, I created a public website. Everyone can see it without logging in. I believe this is a record of weekly knowledge points and a record of self-growth. When I do the final summary, I can get a direct and quick overview of the key points and the thoughts at that time. In Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement, Prensky divides people who use the web into two categories: those who are completely comfortable and those who will never be competent. Personally, I’m fortunate that I had access to the Internet from a young age. I was not able to master it completely, but I was able to operate it proficiently. However, for people who have not been exposed to the Internet, they may have difficulty operating it. Therefore, more user-friendly products will be popular among users. For example, users can search for what they want directly by voice, such as Apple’s Siri. The era of the Internet has made it easier to work and learn. It is possible to create a personalized learning network by relying on the Internet.