Month: April 2022

Major Project


10.1 Personas

Persona 1
Persona 2
Persona 3
Persona 4

10.2 Demographics

Target Audience RED is a Chinese social media and e-commerce platform launched in 2013 with more than 300 million users and monthly active users on RED exceed 200 billion on 2021. Of RED’s 300 million users, about 80% are female and 70% are Millennials or members of Generation Z. Typically those using the app have higher than average disposable income. RED is used by Chinese people in China and around the world. We describe RED as a combination of Instagram, Pinterest and Amazon, where people can review products and share their shopping experiences with a vast community. Users post product photos with reviews and tips for other users to read, comment, and save to their boards as you would on Pinterest. Also, you can follow influencers and shop online within the RED app.

10.2.1 Can non-users browse or search content?

For non-users, if you download the app RED on your phone, you are required to create an account in order to browse and search within the platform. However, if you are using the RED’s website, you can have a quick browse of a few selected posts, but it is limited to 1 page, if you wish to browse or search more, you need to download the app. You can browse a post without creating an account only if when an existing users share the post as a link to you.

10.2.2 How are users connected?

On RED, if user wants to be connected to another user, you can simply follow them and you can follow anyone without them reciprocating. However, in terms of messaging, if the user you follow did not follow you back, you can only send three messages in total until they follow you back.

10.2.3 Can content be shared privately and how is content shared?

Yes, on RED, users can only the content privately use the following options: 1. Directly message to user you follow Users can share the content as a direct message to any user you follow 2. Generate a link or QR code Users can also generate a link or a picture of QR code of the content they wish to share There is also an option to share publicly: 1. Share via another social media platform You can share the content via three Chinese social media platforms: Wechat, QQ and Weibo, RED will first get approved to connect itself to the app user selected, then user can select if they want to share to the social media as a private message or a public post. figure 1

10.2.4 How does content go viral?

Content on RED can go viral if the post is in the Explore section, which means there will be more users can see the post because most of the users will only browse the Explore section. Also, including a hashtag in the post can also help content to go viral. The screenshot below is an example of the Explore section, and you can tell most of the posts went viral. figure 2

10.2.5 Company details

RED is founded in Shanghai in 2013 as a user-generated content community, and RED completed Series D fundraising with a valuation of over 3 billion on 2018. The main investors are listed below: figure 3

10.3 Privacy and Surveillance

10.3.1 Privacy Protection

10.3.2 Privacy Policy

There are only Chinese version available and I still list the link below

10.3.3 ToS

There are only Chinese version available and I still list the link below

10.3.4 Key takeaways

After the authorization, RED allows to record image, voice, or video. According to the Xiaohongshu Intellectual Property Protection Policy, when others try to download my post images or blogs, it shows my own logo on images or blogs.

10.4 Social Media and your PLN in Education

10.4.1 How do people interact on RED?

RED is a platform for people to share and record their lives. The blog is based on their experiences and daily life. Visitors could double click on the images to express their liking of the content or leave comments in the comment section. Most of the creators love to reply to the comments and discuss.!

10.4.2 How do educators use the platform?

An example of a music instructor He Juan is a vocal instructor. She usually posts her content as a video. It is more convenient for her to show how to pronounce words and how to breathe properly. Since she teaches the pronunciation of each word, her audience is more suitable for beginners. The comment section is dominated by compliments or anticipation of her next instructional video content that is to her liking.

10.4.3 Posts and feedback

When we posted a note about a statistics class, one third of the reviewers were interested in the helpful post, such as which textbook the note was from or asking questions about the ununderstood part of the problem solving process. The rest of them say thank you. figure 4figure 5We also did a post about restaurants in Vancouver. Comments on this type of post fall into three categories. One is to collect our posts; the second is the affirmation and love of people who have been to the restaurant; the third is their dissatisfaction and complaint based on the experience they once visited, but the third group is in the minority.

figure 7figure 8figure 9In Red, the chances of a post being picked up are driven by likes and location. So most people respond differently to similar types of posts. What they respond to depends on the content of the post. If it’s the same post, they may not respond to the same post twice. Because of this mode, the way they reply is not based on a Persona of account.

10.4.4 Concerns that educators should be aware of regarding RED

As for my platform, educators should pay attention to copyright issues. As my answer to the last question, we can find many similar posts, such posts may be by some public accounts to transfer other people’s work for profit. It’s so common that visitors don’t really care who the original post is. Unless our account is one with a lot of followers, that might be a bit of a deterrent.

10.4.5 Things we notice that a curious educator might want to know about RED

Because our platform is a kind of sharing platform. Anything you want to know will be posted by a relevant person based on his experience. But one of the most fascinating things about our platform is that different people, different identities and different ages give different summaries. For example, when you want to remember a word, a professional will tell you what the word means. But in Red, there are also non-professionals who may be students or homemakers or whatever, who share their own ways of memorizing words. Learning about different summaries and experimenting with different approaches is perhaps the most attractive aspect of the platform.

10.5 Balancing your PLN and Public Discourse

10.5.1 How do notable, high-profile individuals use social media?

As we all know, there is not only one person running the account on the social platform of well-known celebrities. Behind each well-known account there is a team, one part is responsible for publicity, one part is responsible for video editing and manuscript editing, one part is responsible for business docking, and the most important one is responsible for the “performance” in front of the screen.

10.5.2 What are the benefits to being in the public eye and having a PLN?

Celebrities use social platforms for profit and business. By accumulating a certain number of fans to obtain the cooperation opportunities of the brand side.

10.5.3 Building community with online tools provided by an employer can be limiting, what are some possible restrictions and benefits?

Building a community using employer-provided online tools may involve copyright issues. Some platforms cannot have politically relevant content posted, and the content posted can be partially restricted. Content posted on employer-provided platforms needs to be vetted or authenticated and does not allow you to post what you want as a private user, and more needs to match the employer’s requirements. Some restrictions include copyright issues and the need to sign a contract for the content posted. For example, if you have already set up an account with an online tool provided by the employer, the content you post on this platform is not allowed to be posted elsewhere under the contract terms. The advantage of using an employer-provided online tool to build a community is that you have a regular group of followers. The platform can provide certain guarantees and policies to protect your interests and privacy. Compared to employer-provided platforms, your private community is relatively unstable. The content posted may be stolen, copyright issues may arise, and there is no formal platform to protect your rights favorable.

10.5.4 Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how can you ensure that you build a PLN you can rely on?

This can be done by providing relevant information to obtain official review and certification or reliable copyright. Accurate name authentication, identity verification can be a source of account reliability. For example, on Red, you can prove your professional background or identity by providing professional certificates such as documents and information. The certified icon will be shown on the homepage to prove the authenticity and reliability, thus ensuring that the PLN is dependable. In most cases, reliable users have many followers, as these certified accounts are more reliable than private accounts. However, it is not possible to judge an account’s credibility based on the number of followers. Quality accounts are more likely to attract followers.

10.5.5 How do those who are veteran story tellers minimize the risk of sharing misinformation?

Before releasing information content, you can obtain reliable sources through regular channels, first self-audit, and then go to the relevant authoritative information. For example, on Red, most people share their personal experiences, and if it is health-related, the publisher has a formal nutritionist, fitness coach and other professional qualifications. Alternatively, when releasing information, they also share reliable information to ensure the reliability of the content. Most storytellers focus on sharing content related to their professional background, reducing misinformation through self-vetting and professional knowledge.

10.6 Digital Identity, Access and Inclusion, and Media Literacy

10.6.1 Digital Identity

We choose to show a more positive side of ourselves on social media by sharing our daily interests, such as desserts, food, landscape photos or favourite movies. All of our team members have multiple social media accounts, the social media we all use for sharing school and study-related content including Facebook, Messenger and Discord, and in terms of sharing our daily life, the social meadia platforms we use are RED, Wechat, Instagram and Weibo. We separate our personal and professional identities and use different social media when dealing with different people. We are more likely to use Facebook to communicate with classmates at school and WeChat to communicate with friends in our daily life. To conclude, We choose different platforms for different use, and what we have in common is that Facebook and Messenger are usually what we choose for study-related content.

10.6.2 Access and Inclusion

The platforms do not limit the people who use them, giving equal opportunities and access to the general public. Some social media nowadays will provide extra help to people with disabilities, such as voice broadcasting and sign language videos, which improves the principle of inclusiveness and accessibility in using the platforms. Moreover, nowadays, people with disabilities are treated very well on many platforms because some platforms will help promote content related to people with disabilities and encourage people to help these disadvantaged people because on online platforms actively, people are more sympathetic to people with disabilities, and when you go to search some homepages or personal accounts of people with disabilities, most of the comments underneath are from people who are encouraging and supportive. When consuming or producing on the platform, people can meet accessibility needs through sign language videos, voice broadcasting, or there will be professional service providers to help. Those who may be excluded can be helped by providing exceptional services such as a special hotline or service staff. Some anchors will post videos that encourage people to help people with disabilities to support them actively. By appealing to people through their traffic, they can include people who may be excluded.

10.6.3 Media Literacy, Trust, and Disinformation

The content published on Red needs to pass the audit, and each platform has a particular audit policy. In order to avoid spreading false information, the content that needs to be published needs to pass the verification of accurate and valid information. There is no way for false information to pass the audit, and if you need to buy goods on the platform, you will be provided with direct links to reliable and regular resources for purchase. In order to ensure that false information is not disseminated as misinformation, the content must first be vetted before it is posted to ensure that the source of the resource is reliable and regular and that certain guarantees are in place. After guaranteeing reliable resources and audits, publishing the relevant content can largely avoid false information.

10.7 Reference

[1] [2] [3]

Celebration of learning

Examine the application of social media to support learning

In my showcase, take bilibili as an example, bloggers can upload videos based on their experience. These videos include not only academic videos also daily life videos. No matter what the audience is interested in, they can find it. In the major project, our group (learning pod 10) introduced RED in detail. The difference between bilibili and RED is that bilibili is a video-based media platform and RED is more of a photo and text-based media platform. Both social media provide convenience for learners. Learners can make full use of fragmented time to absorb knowledge. The frequently searched content will be recorded by the meta data, so the homepage will often push the content of interest to searchers.

Explain personalized learning and its relation to learning theory

Personalized learning is the selection of learning styles that are more conducive to development based on individual characteristics or strengths. In WEEK #8 WOW and WONDER, the development of emerging technologies advances PLN. Online instruction is gradually spreading to learners. Some children are good at math and some are good at music. Neither of these children will get the best education for them if they are taught in the same way. In Jingjing Jiang’s #4 WOW AND WONDER, it was mentioned that she did not receive attention from the teacher in her class. There are many people in a class, so it is hard for the teacher to pay attention to everyone. After students complete their basic education at school, personalized learning allows for a more targeted learning plan for students.

Recognize that the Internet is not a neutral or equal space for everyone

I don’t think there is absolute equality in life. Family factors, life environment and educational background all influence the choices we make. This is also true in the online world. The internet is still new to most people. While most people are just getting started with the Internet, there are people who are already using it to spread the word about things that are good for them. Bloggers, for example, post interesting content to attract more people to watch and follow them. However, there are some people who use the Internet to steal. In WEEK #4 WOW and WONDER, I gave an example from personal experience when my credit card was stolen. The loss was recovered by promptly contacting bank staff. In the online world, it is much easier for people to connect with each other regardless of how far away they are. At the same time, I think the online world is the same as the real world. We should actively explore the online world after enhancing the confidentiality of our information.

Apply social media to develop a personal learning network in support of your personal and/or professional development

In the course, we mostly use WordPress to publish content. Through Github, we can enjoy the ideas of other students. By comparing, I can observe the same ideas I have with others. I can also expand my thinking or deepen my knowledge of the idea when I see new ideas. On other social media platforms, such as RED mentioned in Major Project, I have shared a post about skincare content that has been viewed by 22,085 people and 19 comments. These comments ranged from questions about the content I posted to people who recommended more suitable products. By analyzing the comments, I have a better sense of what type of skin pays more attention to the content I post. If I want to be a worker in the skincare business, knowing where the market is going and what customers are looking for will help me understand where the market is going.

Identify privacy issues and practice online behaviours that are legal, safe, consensual, and ethical

When we allow an algorithm to run, it should be set to protect user privacy while running. When a user transmits personal information over the network, the algorithm should protect this information from being stolen by unscrupulous people. In Week #7 WoW and Wonder, Frankie uses glasses that have a surveillance system to help her improve her grades. Everything she sees is recorded and used as a question about things she encounters in her life. It makes learning more come to life. However, I found out the disadvantages of the glasses. The high level of surveillance takes away Frankie’s freedom. Assuming that Frankie and her friends are not breaking the law, the real-time uploading surveillance system makes it possible for Frankie’s life to be exposed. Most social media platforms, such as RED, ask users before they use them if they will allow the platform to record and upload. As more and more people join the network, it will become more detailed and personalized.

Recognize data ownership and licensing (Creative Commons, Copyright, Fair Dealing, and Public Domain) as a core practice when creating, sharing, or using resources online

RED is a social media platform. Everyone can post their insights on it. When different ideas come together, users will generate new ideas or insights. For example, education resources, which are different from region to region due to different educational resources, are taught to students differently. When the Internet is widely used in each region, educational resources are shared with each other on online media. Students can supplement themselves with online educational resources. Some designers or creators will post their own blogs to attract more followers. Creators will contact the platform when they discover their intellectual property has been stolen. Once it is confirmed that the content is indeed stolen, the platform will immediately block the content posted by the person who stole it. If the pirate is found to have repeatedly stolen other people’s content, the platform will block the pirate’s account forever. Since the power of individuals is limited, the protection of intellectual property rights should rely more on platform supervision. We should provide a good creative environment for creators so that more diverse cultural output can appear.

Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about social media and personalized learning

In this course, I created a public website. Everyone can see it without logging in. I believe this is a record of weekly knowledge points and a record of self-growth. When I do the final summary, I can get a direct and quick overview of the key points and the thoughts at that time. In Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement, Prensky divides people who use the web into two categories: those who are completely comfortable and those who will never be competent. Personally, I’m fortunate that I had access to the Internet from a young age. I was not able to master it completely, but I was able to operate it proficiently. However, for people who have not been exposed to the Internet, they may have difficulty operating it. Therefore, more user-friendly products will be popular among users. For example, users can search for what they want directly by voice, such as Apple’s Siri. The era of the Internet has made it easier to work and learn. It is possible to create a personalized learning network by relying on the Internet.

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